
How Do I Know if I Am a Sexual Addict?
Unlike healthy sex that is integrated into relationships, sexual addicts use sex as a means to cope, to handle boredom, anxiety and other powerful feelings or as a way to feel important, wanted or powerful.

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Understanding Addictive Cybersex
For most cybersex users, the Internet provides a fascinating new venue for experiencing sex. Some users, however, perhaps 8-10 percent, become hooked on cybersex and experience significant life problems as a result.

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Couples Recovering from Sexual Addiction
Sex addiction is a family disease. Both partners have been part of the problem and both must be willing to participate in the recovery process, individually and together.

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Love Addiction Part I: The Problem
It can be difficult for anyone who is not a love or sex addict to understand how love or sexuality can be exploited or evolve into destructive patterns of addiction and compulsion.

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Love Addiction Part II: Recovery from Love and Sex Addiction
As the love and sex addict recovers, they begin to discover themselves in new and unexpected ways. Time formerly put into flirtation and “the hunt”, now may go into family involvement and work.

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Consequences of Sex Addiction and Compulsivity
Compulsive sexual thoughts and/or behavior leads to increasingly serious consequences, in both the addict’s internal and external worlds. For example, 70-75 percent of addicts have thought about suicide.

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Teens and Pornography Addiction
The typical age at which young people begin viewing pornography online, say experts, is around 11 years and most often in a group setting in a home not their own.

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When Does Internet Activity Become a Problem?
When Internet users begin to compulsively seek the instant, unpredictable gratification that technology provides, an addiction can form that is similar to drug and alcohol dependency.

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